


Hello! Let me introduce myself, my name is AlFath. I'm a dreamer who is determined to achieve success in life. Despite being called lazy by some, I have a strong determination to reach my goals and aspirations.

My biggest hobby is delving into the world of technology. I am fascinated by the latest innovations and constantly seek to stay updated on the latest developments in the field of technology. Knowing how technology can make life easier and change the world, it fuels my enthusiasm to continuously learn and expand my knowledge in this area.

Additionally, I have a strong interest in the world of entertainment, particularly films in the horror, thriller, sci-fi, anime, and fantasy genres. Watching thrilling and imaginative stories captivates me and provides incredible experiences.

Regarding music, my taste is diverse, ranging from simpleplan, netral, Bring Me The Horizon, Garasi, Cokelat, Closehead, GreenDay, to pop rock metal. Music serves as a solace for me, and I enjoy exploring various genres and finding lyrics that can express feelings and emotions that are hard to put into words.

I believe that by combining my interests and passion for technology, films, and music, I can find a way to achieve success and make my dreams come true. I am ready to face challenges and work hard to reach these goals.

I hope this journey of life will bring many lessons and opportunities for personal growth. And most importantly, I aspire to share my enthusiasm and inspiration with those around me so that we can all support and grow together. Thank you for reading this brief bio about me!

Aku ini Diaspora, Menyebar tertiup angin, Menyeruak di antara Halimun, Mengangkasa menembus batas Cakrawala,

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